
Wednesday 7 October 2015

Caus I'm about to give up

Standing on my toes, holding it in

Every breath hurts and the distance’s too big

I can’t do it anymore.

I know I’m close cause even in my dreams

All I can think is to let go of all this

I know I’m done

Cause I can’t do it anymore.

I used to sing and dance and used laugh a lot

Now all I can do is wait for you

You will have to come fast

Cause I can’t do it anymore

I used to dream a lot, used to hope with all my heart

Now all I can do is try to save that spark

Which is dying out so fast

I used to be the gum, piecing it together

I used to be strong and used to laugh about giving up.

But now I understand why it’s so bad

 Cause I can’t take it anymore.

 Cause I'm about to give up.

Friday 29 August 2014


Grow up ...

Do you remember days when there was nothing to care about. Days when all you had to do was, smile,play and laugh.
When you didn't have to laugh on some lame joke just to please someone?  When ice cream and chocolates never meant gaining a pound?
Those days were different, friends had to have your back. There were no excuses. Now when a friend jumps on the job opportunity and leaves you hanging it is not a big deal. Because deep down you know that this is what you would have done.
Now when you see some children fighting about a small crayon (which you can by in packets oh so easily) you tell them to grow up. That they are behaving childish. That these small things don't matter.
Well next time when you tell someone to grow up think again. Think again about what this world wluld be if everybody did grow up? There would be no laughter, no smiles, innocence will be a lost tribe.
So next time think... who is behaving more wisely. We adults?  Who are everyday finding something wrong with ourselves?  Like my eyes are to big, I should get a nose job. Should loose this one pound.  Or children who just don't understand what is wrong in wearing your best dress in mud.
Next time when someone says grow up, tell them that there is nothing worth that. Everything which is worth doing can be done being a child.

Saturday 12 July 2014

why you should not go for earning through net

I researched way much for how to write a blog (from my view and let me be frank I'm kind of a lazy person, so I actually researched for 4 to 5 hours only). And I reached to a conclusion that I can never make money from my blog. Cause seriously, think about it how many of you click on the add shown on any web?  I have never clicked on any, so that makes it pretty clear that my chances of making money from Google ad sense and anything like that are way slim.(that does not mean Im not going to install them, a girl can hope)

                                                     this lens' photo
So we come to the next available option you can make money from other sites like squidoo, triond. Now the problem here is most of the times after 1000 views you may get 1 or 2 $ keep in mind that there are people who do make money in 1000s so the sites say. So first check how the money is going to get distributed check faqs and policies. So now let us think you want to try it so the first thing you have to do is generate a lot of traffic. So for that you have to use some worlds which can be found in the search engines. So preferably you have to write some kind of how to do this or that blog, and really the blogs I read from this category were excellent. But Im a realistic person, so I know I cannot write this kind of blogs that's not in my temperament. So I cannot make money from that. If you can you are in luck try it but still there are literally 100 blogs on how to anything.
I know Im coming as all negative person but believe me Im not a pessimist (just check the name of my blog). All Im trying to say that the kind of picture that anyone new to blogging world have in front of there eyes is not what this really is. (Like all the adds you see 'work for a hour and earn 500 $') The image I  had about blogging was like all you have to do is write and money will flow to you but its not that simple, you have to make sure that people are noticing your blog then you have to make a ad sense account (and not everyone is accepted there I was rejected just today.) So just think before starting and dont look at this as a income source from starting it will take time to generate your first income.
So you will ask me why Im writing so my answer is I love writing the fulfillment you get by making some words appear on a paper ( now on a site, funny how things change with time) is all I want, dont get me wrong I will love money but what I really want is to get heard by the world. And thats what Im targeting from this blog money is a byproduct if i get it Im going to be happy but if I dont get it its okay.
So if you are going to get satisfied by just writing hop on you may also make some money (which depends on your luck)
But if you are just looking for a way to generate money then you can always try something different.
So all I want to say is make sure that you love writing only then you can withstand all the no money thing and as you will withstand it may be your blog cab get popular and you will make money. So think before you start you are not going to earn any money in your first 2 or 3 months thats for sure but after that your quality of writing and hard work may make some money for you.
So best luck and leave a comment anything you can. 

Thursday 19 December 2013

why do I write?

Why do I write?

It is a question for me from many days, why do I write? Why do I pick my pen and start jotting my thoughts, thoughts which many times have no relations with each other, they do not follow any rule grammatically or otherwise. But I can’t stop my impulse, my desire to write my desire to express, even though I know that there may be nobody out there who will want to read what a 19 years old girl think about the things going around her, what does she see in a world where everyone is running for perfection for perfect body, for perfect career, for perfect house to perfect spouse.

When this kind of thoughts become too much and I start believing them I stop writing. I vow to concentrate more on my studies, on my career etc. But every time I do this I end up with a feeling of frustration in my gut, a felling that I can’t make anything this way a feeling that I have to change something and on those days I turn again to my trusted companions  my though book and my pen. A feeling of relief, a feeling that everything in this world, everything around me cannot touch me as long as I can write, overcomes.

I feel a new energy pulsing through me, a new determination to do something, to achieve my goals pulse through me the feeling of everything is right I write for that feeling. Everyone has something which acts this way for him/her. For me it is writing but for you it can be singing, dancing, trekking anything. May be you also give this up for more important things like your career, family anything. But don't give up you can take a break from these thing, you can stop singing for some days when everything is too much fast but you can always catch up.  At the end we all don't have to be something big but that doesn’t mean we stop doing things that we love most.

Like I know that  I’m no Shakespeare but I still write cause stopping just because I’m not someone great, is like giving up breathing just because I’m not going to reach 100 years. Sure may be I will not reach 100 but still I can reach 60 so that's what I'm going to do I’m going to keep writing just like I keep breathing. Because that's what writing is for me writing is my breath that's my sanctuary. And who knows may be one day I will reach 100, I will become somebody worth reading. But for finding that I have to keep going, keep writing even if it is just for reminding myself that why do I write.

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Problems and you

Hey guys this is from my articlestring account felt like posting it here.

               Everyone of us face problems, different for everyone but they are their in our life. (We actually spend more time in  thinking about them than solving them). But you know, now a days if you ask someone how to solve your problem mostly you will get , 'compare your problems with people who don't have a home, who are injured in an accident' and so on.
              That may make you feel like facing your problems with all force and defeat them. But that makes me feel like, oh! I'm so weak, I cant face these small problems where people are facing so big problems. May be there will be someone like me reading this. So I'm writing this for only people who have this faulty thinking (like me), who think they are weak cause they are trying hard to face such small problems.
              I always thought like that but yesterday, I thought more about this & I got it. You know that we always say that, "don't compare yourself with anyone else everybody is different" etc. that's the answer. Don't get it?
              If everybody is different, so are their weak points & plus points. If I gave you the best accessories and a chance to play tennis, then also you cant play like 'Nadal' because he is Nadal. Sure he had given his whole life to the game but that's one of the points to think about.
            So the problems you face are actually personalized for you by the creator. they are difficult for you even if other people can solve them easily. I'm not saying that you should make big issues of small problems (I have that habit ). I'm just saying that don't compare them with other people. may be someone has big problems than you ( or small also), but think about it this way, whoever you are today is because of the environment surrounding you. And problems are also their because of the environment so its a fair game. May be the problem you have is big for you so solve it be better & be ready for the next one which will come; cause that's life.
             So go on face it solve it, because it is a special test for you by God, and it is perfect for you to become more good. Learn something from this test because next will may be more difficult but if you will solve one at a time it will become really easy, so this time try it by this way if it doesn't work you can always change your style, and ask for help from your friends & family.