
Friday, 29 August 2014


Grow up ...

Do you remember days when there was nothing to care about. Days when all you had to do was, smile,play and laugh.
When you didn't have to laugh on some lame joke just to please someone?  When ice cream and chocolates never meant gaining a pound?
Those days were different, friends had to have your back. There were no excuses. Now when a friend jumps on the job opportunity and leaves you hanging it is not a big deal. Because deep down you know that this is what you would have done.
Now when you see some children fighting about a small crayon (which you can by in packets oh so easily) you tell them to grow up. That they are behaving childish. That these small things don't matter.
Well next time when you tell someone to grow up think again. Think again about what this world wluld be if everybody did grow up? There would be no laughter, no smiles, innocence will be a lost tribe.
So next time think... who is behaving more wisely. We adults?  Who are everyday finding something wrong with ourselves?  Like my eyes are to big, I should get a nose job. Should loose this one pound.  Or children who just don't understand what is wrong in wearing your best dress in mud.
Next time when someone says grow up, tell them that there is nothing worth that. Everything which is worth doing can be done being a child.